Great Product Maafa 21: Black Genocide In 21st Century America (DVD)


Its a review about this product

This was an eye-opening experience. I viewed this dvd in the comfort of my office when no one else was there. OMG! There is pure evil out there and it walks, breathes, eats, sleeps and has families and can look as benign as you or I, but it is NOT!
If anyone has ANY reservations about the following issues being tied together: race, racism, raciality, EDUCATION, marriage, ABORTION, illegitmacy, birth control, legislated immorality, promiscuity, PERVERTED VIEW OF GOD, hip hop, birth rates, survival rates, culture of entitilement mentality, SFN disease (something for nothing) and a sundry of other issues; THIS dvd will quelch ALL doubt. There has been an agenda to get rid of the black race, especially here in America (duh!).
Get this dvd. View it alone, first, deal with your emotions and set your thoughts to paper so that you NEVER forget your initial thoughts after you turned the dvd player off. Then, invite your people over.
After you have this knowledge, decide what you'll do with it. I pray you organize and constructively fight the evil that is exposed in this dvd. God bless those who came together to make this!!! Bless they and their offspring forever more, God!!

Get This Product Maafa 21: Black Genocide In 21st Century America (DVD)
