Reviews About Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, and Relevance (Paperback)


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Solid book that provides an in-depth look at the glory of the Trinity. This is a smaller book and just begins to scratch the surface of what we can observe, love, and learn from studying the Trinity. I would definitely recommend this book for all. If you are trying to understand how the relationship of the Trinity works, while they being One then this will help unpack that. The main purpose of the book is to set the foundation that their is a hierarchy within the Trinity (Father highest, the Jesus, lastly the Holy Spirit) but they are equal. So one in their essence and nature, but different roles and relationships. This book will not give you every answer and exhaust the doctrine of the Trinity but it should and will help you think through what it means and why it is vital to our faith.

"The Trinity not only distinguishes the Christian faith from all others, it also establishes the basis for all that we hold dear as Christian believers."

"Freedom is not my deciding, from the urges and longings of my sinful nature, to do what I want to do, when I want to do it, how I want to do it, with whom I want to do it...the Bible calls that is bondage, not freedom."

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