Its my choice Underwater City (Contemporary Poetry Series) (Paperback)


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Also available in a hardcover edition (0813027519, $24.95), Underwater City is the debut compilation of poetry by Kelle Groom. Currently a Tennessee Williams Scholar in poetry at the Sewanee Writers Conference at the University of the South in Tennessee, Kelle's poems have previously appeared in such publications as "Agni", "The New Yorker", "Luna", and "Witness", and she was named the Norma Millay Ellis Fellow for 2003 by the Millay Colony for the Arts in New York. In the body of poetry comprising Underwater City, Kelle deftly explores personal relationships in terms of emotion, metaphysics, and boundaries. Kukla: Sometimes I think when I was suffocated & died,/I lost much of my childhood memory.//I'm just jotting this down so I don't forget./When You read the Amichai poem with two girls//who overflow & vanish. I had the feeling/from Kukla, Fran, Ollie movies--//the European ones: children in a field, rain,/my heart beating fast.//During the war, I stood on my bed/at the top of the house,//arms upraised & screamed, the tongue of a bell calling you home.

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