Reviews About Losing America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant Presidency (Hardcover)


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Senator Byrd is a statesman in an era of partisan politics. No one in our government has a greater love of the U.S. Constitution, and no one has done a better job than Senator Byrd in this book of describing how the Bush Administration has circumvented the role of Congress with the support of the Republican leadership in the House and Senate.

Contrary to the President's claim that Congress "had access to the same intelligence that I had" before giving him legislative support to go to war with Iraq, Byrd's detailed account demonstrates that the White House kept Congress in the dark and forced a rushed vote using every real and artificial pressure it could muster.

Byrd, a student of history - and a man whose experience extends back 45 years in the Senate - contrasts the White House's secret and manipulative behavior with that of past administrations, and echoes the feelings of many that the war in Iraq has actually hurt our ability to find and fight terrorists. Equally alarming is Byrd's recounting of his numerous attempts to increase the funding for homeland security, every one of which has been rejected by the White House.

Byrd summarizes the Bush strategy for getting public support for his war by quoting Hermann Goering: "...the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."

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